50 Linux Resources For Developers

I try to always bookmark interesting things I find as I bumble around the internet. I’ve collected thousands of bookmarks over the years, and I want to share some of the cool stuff I’ve found. I call these Nuggets.

Today, I want to bring you a list of links that might help you on your path to understanding and appreciating Linux. I don’t consider myself some wizened Linux guru, but I have spent many, many hours looking for guides and tools to make my life easier while using it.

If you’ve ever struggled to find information about Linux basics, or you just want to polish up your skills, there’s probably something here for you. This guide will be particularly focused on developers, but there will be information here that’s applicable to many other Linux users. Some of it is specific to Ubuntu users, but much of it is applicable across the board.

I’ve by no means covered everything, so comment or tweet to me if you have any you think I should include.

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